May 10, 2021
67 21

Las Vegas expert shares 3 big casino secrets

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LAS VEGAS, NV – Have you ever gone to Las Vegas hoping to win big, but came home empty-handed? We have too, which is why our crew decided to get the experts to show you how to win big on your next trip.

“I just enjoy analyzing math problems and I view every casino game as a math problem,” Michael Shackelford said.

Mike also goes by “The Wizard of Odds,” and was nice enough to take ABC15 on a tour of The D in downtown Las Vegas to learn all the tips and tricks you need to know the next time you head to any casino.

“First of all don’t play slots, play video poker instead,” Mike said.

He said your odds of cashing in go up big time when you sit down at a video poker machine. It all boils down to the numbers at the top, the pay table. Those numbers tell you how much you can make for each hand you’re dealt.

But if you just can’t give up your slots, there are a few things you need to know.

“My rule of thumb when it comes to slot machines is the simpler the better,” Mike said.

He said the more simple the game looks, the more likely you are to hit the jackpot. You know those big, shiny machines that really draw your eye?

“They’ve got huge video screens, lots of lights, they’ve got expensive chairs that have speakers,” Mike said.

Don’t even think about it.

“Somebody has to pay for all this and it’s the player playing it that does,” Mike said.

Which means your hard-earned cash ends up in the casino’s pocket, not yours.

The best piece of advice Mike said he can give?

“Gambling should be thought of as entertainment and slot machines are a very expensive form of entertainment, so I especially recommend players take those in moderation.”

Article Categories:
Casino Tips · Online Gambling · Online Games

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